Anti-Stall System

Products / Control Systems
Anti-Stall System

Anti-Stall System

Extant Aerospace’s Anti-Stall System is used to prevent stall conditions by pushing the aircraft nose downward after acceptance of an input signal from the stall warning system. The system is comprised of a servo actuator and capstan and can be used on a large variety of both business jet and military applications.

The servo actuator accepts input signals from a stall warning system and convert drive input signals into torque output that positions a corresponding capstan pulley, which has elevator cables wrapped around a drum. These cables are used to reposition aircraft elevators and force the aircraft nose downward, relieving the stall condition.

  • Product ID(s):SA-341, SA-360, SA-380, SA-460, SA-600, DB-341, DB-360, DB-380, DB-600
  • Key Platforms:Pilatus PC-12, Bombardier CRJ, Dash 8, Bombardier Global 5000/6000, Bombardier CL 300/350, Lockheed C-130 Hercules, Learjet 60
  • Primary P/N(s):501-1684-04, 501-1770-01, 501-1711-02, 501-1259-04, 501-1771-01, 501-1771-02, 501-1771-03, 501-1771-04, 501-1771-05, 501-1685-05, 501-1258-01, 501-1258-02
  • All Part Numbers

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